5 Months to Go

I probably shouldn’t be starting a countdown til we go to Canada already, but now we’re in June it means it’s now just less than 5 months! It’s not actually that far away and it’s literally all I’m thinking about. As I said in my last post, we’ve signed up The Working Holiday Club to sort our jobs before we go, and I had my pre-screen interview by them last week. Basically, they just needed to check that I meet the criteria and find out what job I wanted to go for and they have to agree too before we go for an interview with Whistler Blackcomb in London in July.

I’d decided I didn’t want to do bar or retail work as I’m leaving a job I love in Marketing to do this, so I don’t want to completely lose 6-ish months of experience in the industry. A job as a Ski & Snowboard Sales Host seemed to fit the bill and The Working Holiday Club thought I’d be good for that job (he described it as one of the only ‘grown up’ jobs you can do on the mountain) so that’s the job I’m going to be going for. The job sounds pretty good, though I’m not actually too sure what it entails but it’s an office job on the mountain where I’ll be working 4 10 hour shifts a week, so have 3 days off a week – perfect!

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