‘How Can You Afford to Travel?!’ – Tips On Saving For Travel

When we tell people about our travel plans, the one question we are always asking is how can you afford it? It’s not easy and you have to be really strict with yourself. Here are just a few tips to save before heading out on your travel adventure:

Set Yourself Monthly Targets & Stick To it

Calculate what your outgoings are each month and how much you need spending money you realistically need (see point below!).  30% of our wages is put straight into our savings account every month. Put this money a-side as soon as you get paid and don’t be tempted to dip into this throughout the month.

Stop Spending &  Make Sacrifices

Do you really need more clothes, dvds or house-y things?! You can’t take everything with you on your travels, so why not save that £10/20/50 on something you can take with you or a night out in [Enter country of choice here]. Now I’m not saying don’t live, as you can’t completely stop your life because you need to be saving but it’s about getting the balance between the two.

Travel Saving Tips

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