Hello Canada!

We’ve now been in Canada for 5 days… I’m already rubbish with keeping up with this blog but it’s been a mad few days and Vancouver is amazing!

Vancouver is the nicest city I’ve ever visited (in my small life to date but it will be hard to beat!). It’s got everything in one place: skyscrapers, shopping markets, sea, beach, mountains. So far we:

– Went on a bike ride around Stanley park (not just a park, see pictures!)
– Went to the Capilano suspension bridge
– Done all the grown up things like opening a bank account, get our national insurance numbers and got a Canadian number
– Bought all my snowboard gear
– Drank lots of beer
– Spent Halloween in Vancouver. It is mad here bigger than New Years.
-Tried Poutine (chips, gravy, cheese curd – a strange Canadian thing)

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